Minimalist Capsule Wardrobe with a Pop of Color

Minimalist Capsule Wardrobe Collection

Tired of capsule wardrobes that lack personality and interest? Me too. For this reason, creating a minimalist capsule wardrobe collection with a pop of color seemed light the right thing to do! Inspired by a silk scarf and purse combination, the colors from these pieces provided the perfect road map for bring together the right group of pieces for traveling light or for wearing everyday.

Minimalist Capsule Wardrobe Video

Color Inspiration

While I chose orange as my primary pop of color for this collection (a fun trending color right now), you can choose any color that speaks to you to create a collection that is personally yours.

I initially planned to call this collection a travel capsule wardrobe because I put it together for my most recent trip to California. But why limit its potential? We need go to outfits for everyday. I encourage you to use it as you see fit.

Versatile Minimalist Capsule Wardrobe

This grouping includes perfect pieces to dress up for an evening out on the town, or dress down, more casually for an amazing afternoon of wine tasting.

It is whatever you need it to be. Some may wish to use this collection as a starting point for their minimalist spring capsule wardrobe. As the pieces are ideal for everyday, especially during our current transition from cooler winter weather into spring.

Minimalist Capsule Wardrobe
Color Palettes

Since I was traveling to both northern and southern California during the winter, planning for temperatures that vary significantly was important. They needed to include pieces which were warm enough to feel appropriate when it’s near freezing (northern California in early February) or comfortable enough when temperatures are more moderate (southern California).

Minimalist Capsule Wardrobe – Download The Collection

If you are interested in building a minimalist capsule wardrobe, you are in luck! I have prepared a minimalist capsule wardrobe checklist just for you. If you would like to incorporate some pieces you saw my video, you can download this Minimalist Capsule Wardrobe outfit layouts along with shop able links, for free!

Traveling Light

If you’re attempting to travel lightly but you end up with more than you expected, you’ll be pleased to know that the items in this collection easily fit into a small carry-on.

More Capsule Collections?

If you like capsule wardrobes, and who doesn’t, I’ll have more coming. In the meantime, check out some others I have prepared:



Looking to assist women in their 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond with style, beauty, wellness, and lifestyle ideas and inspiration to live their best life.

FASHION is what designers offer each season & STYLE how we choose to personally express ourselves to the world.

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