The Power Within
As humans, we have a power greater than any other living soul on earth, and that is the ability to think. How we think, also known as our mindset, determines everything in our lives. I mean everything.
Since we are born with the capacity to think we are limitless! God made us limitless. We can think any thought we choose and we can do anything we set our minds to do.
Limited or Limitless Mindset?
Do you have a limitless mindset? definition: LIMITLESS: Without limit; boundless
Do you have a limited mindset? definition: LIMITED: Confined within limits; restricted or circumscribed
Limited or limitless, you choose.

Have you Chosen to be Limitless?
While it sounds easy, if we have limiting beliefs (which we all do), it takes time and commitment to turn your thought patterns around and open our minds to the concept of a limitless mindset.
Why? From a very young age, we have had influences all around us that have molded us to become who we are today. First our parents, grandparents and siblings, then later friends and teachers, bosses, co-workers, etc. These people project their thoughts and beliefs on us based on their experiences and mindset. Some of these projections may be wonderful while others, not so good.
The projections of others, paired with other experiences we have had throughout life, can lead to a place of joy and happiness or a place of sadness and despair.
The Choice Is Yours
Limited or limitless? You might think, “I don’t have the same opportunity as others,”…this may be true…but that is just an excuse. Again, it’s mindset….a limited mindset. If you have the fire in your belly and you have a burning desire to do something, achieve something, be something – you can do it, you will figure it out! An “I’ll figure it out,” is a limitless mindset approach and will help you to become the best version of you.
Take some time out to quiet your mind and listen to the force of good that speaks to you in your thoughts. Follow your hunches and listen to your intuition. These are the first steps that we all need to take to achieve the goal of having a limitless mindset.
We all have limitless potential to become anything we wish to be – begin today, to become your best self.