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gifts for men

Bring Your Man to Life: 10 Simple Phrases

Celebrate The Man in Your Life

Father’s Day is June 21st this year.  To celebrate the man in your life, start with showing him how much you appreciate and respect him.  

Here, I am sharing some thoughtful phrases to bring your man to life in 10 simple phrases.   These are terms I regularly used to show my husband how much I love and appreciate him.  

Give a few of them a try to experience the positive transformation that these simple words can have on your relationship.

1. Thank You

Always say “thank you” when your guy does something sweet or special for you. 

These words show love and respect, and make a man feel appreciated.  

It is easy to do, and I can assure you he will very much appreciate this simple acknowledgment.

2. You are a Good Man

Even the most confident man appreciates some positive reinforcement.  

Tell him what you love about him, giving specific examples of things he says or does.  

Bring your man to life by letting him know you appreciate your life together, his generosity, and his special gifts.  

Don’t miss the opportunity to let him know how much you appreciate him by telling him, “you are a good man.”

3. I Believe in You

“I believe in you” are powerful words.  

Don’t miss an opportunity to tell your man that you believe in him.  Tell him how impressed you are with his efforts, his hard work, and his accomplishments.  

Another way to show how much you believe in him (without actually saying the specific words)….is to gush to others about how outstanding he is and the wonderful things he does in front of him.  

Watch him light up and come alive. 

4. I Trust You

We built great relationships on trust and respect.  

With trust, I have always aligned with my Mom’s mantra, which I heard many times throughout my childhood, “I will trust you until you show me I can not trust you.”  

Show him that you trust him by giving him the freedom to do what he loves to do, whether it is going on an adventure or taking the lead on an important decision.  

If you are uneasy about trusting, talk about it!  Share your concerns & your desired outcomes while always keeping love and respect at the forefront.  

Another way to bring your man to life is to show trust by making yourself vulnerable and sharing your deepest thoughts, worries, and dreams.   

Talking through things near-and-dear can be scary, but sharing these feelings builds trust and strengthens relationships.  

Finally, ask for advice.  Asking for his opinion shows you care, and you trust his perspective.

5. I Need You

Feeling needed is essential for everyone, but especially crucial for men in relationships.  

Being raised by a single mom, I learned independence early, so I am guilty of doing everything myself.  

It took me some time to let go of my need for control and appreciate that two heads (and four hands) are always better than one.  

Before my husband and I married, I hired a contractor to replace my kitchen floor and learned I could save $1000 if I tore out the existing vinyl floor myself.   

Talk about an incentive to ask for help.  After recruiting his help, and we tore out the flooring together. 

It was hard work, but amid it all, we laughed a lot, took some fun pictures, built a memory, and I learned that we were a great team and better together.  

Typically, men are physically stronger gender, so if it’s heavy, challenging work, ask for help or let them do it!  

Celebrate your man by letting him know you need him.  Sharing responsibilities is healthy in relationships and makes everyone feel more valued. 

6. I Like You

Celebrate your man by telling him you not only love him, but you like him.  

Let him know you like his sense of humor, you like his vibe, and you like his intelligence.  

Show him by holding his hand, rubbing his back, and asking if you can help him.  

These acts are simple gestures that show love and kindness and are building blocks for a strong and lasting relationship.

7. I Want You

We all want to be wanted physically and emotionally, and if you have been on this earth a few years, you know men generally have a greater need and frequency for physical affection.  

Loving-making is the first to go when the relationship is not going well, so when you are happy, and things are going well, prioritize intimacy.  

Tell him you want him and you need him.  It’s great for your relationship and great for your health.

8. Wow!

So when your guy shares his amazing new idea, which sounds complete nuts to you, instead of raining on his parade, and telling him “no” or “you’re crazy,” start with “Wow!”  

This is a positive response and maintains openness, kindness and respect while you learn more about what he is thinking and why it’s important to him.  

Again, maintaining love and respect is essential in a strong, healthy relationship.

9. Yes

Simply say “yes” instead of “no.”   

Let him have his way on certain things that are really important to him (especially if they are less important to you).  

Showing him your consideration, openness and flexibility will lead to a happier relationship long-term.  

Besides, it will also likely result in his openness and consideration when you share your wants and desires.  

An abrupt “no” puts him on the defensive and closes down conversation.  

10. I Will Follow You

Let your guy take the lead, especially on those topics where you are not passionate.   

I once heard it said, “Over time, people show you who they are, and when they do, believe them.”  

If he had showed that he watches out for your best interest, let him take over and handle things. Standing down, relinquishing authority, and letting him make the final decision is healthy and empowering.  

Say to him, “I will follow you.”

Conclusion & Credit

These are all magical phrases that have helped to make the relationship with my husband amazing.  

He is my best friend, and I have never been happier in a relationship.

While the words shared above are my personal thoughts and experiences, credit for the list goes to Dave Wilson, head pastor of Kensington Community Church in Orion, Michigan.  

Dave is an inspirational leader and shared his lesson a few years ago for Father’s Day (which had a similar message).  

Referencing his list many times, it has been a glorious reminder of ways I can show my husband love and respect.  

Dave’s weekly lessons are enjoyable because they always meet me where I am, are done well, and help me as a mother and wife.  

By sharing this list, and my thoughts, I hope it has inspired you to improve your relationship and bring your man to life. 

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